Lebenslauf und Ausbildung
geboren 1968 in Wien
Studium der Medizin an der Universität Wien
Studium der Psychologie an der Universität Wien
Ausbildung am University College London, Großbritannien 1996-1999
Ausbildung an der Krankenanstalt Rudolfstiftung 1999-2001
Ausbildung an Universitätsklinik für Neurologie, AKH Wien 2001-2007
Facharzt für Neurologie 2007
Habilitation (Universitäts-Dozent) 2007
Gastforscher am Weizmann Institut, Israel 2009-2011
Gastforscher am University College London, Großbritannien 2010
Lehre und Forschung an internationalen (University College London, London, Großbritannien; Weizmann Institut, Rehovot / Tel Aviv, Israel) und österreichischen (Medizinische Universität Wien; Donau Universität Krems) Universitäten und Forschungsinstituten.
Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten mit den Schwerpunkten
- psychologische Folgen neurologischer Erkrankungen
- Bewegung
- Parkinsonsche Erkrankung
- Schlaganfall
- Rehabilitation
wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Dirnberger G, Fuller R, Frith CD, Jahanshahi M (2014) Neural correlates of executive dysfunction in schizophrenia: failure to modulate brain activity with task demands. Neuroreport 25(16):1308-1315.
Dirnberger G, Jahanshahi M (2013) Executive dysfunction in Parkinson's disease: A review. Journal of Neuropsychology 7(2): 193-224.
Claassen D, Jones CR, Yu M, Dirnberger G, Malone T, Parkinson M, Giunti P, Kubovy M, Jahanshahi M (2013) Deciphering the impact of cerebellar and basal ganglia dysfunction in accuracy and variability of motor timing. Neuropsychologia 51(2):267-274.
Dirnberger G, Novak J, Nasel C (2013) Perceptual sequence learning is more severely impaired than motor sequence learning in patients with chronic cerebellar stroke. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 25(12): 2207-2215.
Dirnberger G, Novak-Knollmueller J (2013) Motor and perceptual sequence learning are parallel processes in human procedural learning. Neuroreport 24(10): 578-583.
Dirnberger G, Hesselmann G, Roiser J, Preminger S, Jahanshahi M, Paz R (2012) Give it time: Neural correlates for distorted time perception and enhanced memory encoding in emotional situations: an fMRI study. Neuroimage 63(1): 591-599.
Dirnberger G, Jahanshahi M (2012) Neuropsychology of movement disorders. In Iansek R, Morris M (Eds.), Rehabilitation in Movement Disorders. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK
Dirnberger G (2012) Handedness is modulated by sex and self-perception. Laterality 17(3): 275-286.
Dirnberger G, Duregger C, Lindinger G, Lang W (2011) On the regularity of preparatory activity preceding movements with the dominant and non-dominant hand: a readiness potential study. International Journal of Psychophysiology 81(2): 127-131.
Jones CR, Claassen D, Yu M, Spies J, Malone T, Dirnberger G, Jahanshahi M, Kubovy M (2011) Modeling accuracy and variability of motor timing in treated and untreated Parkinson's disease and healthy controls. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 5:e81.
Dirnberger G, Lang W, Lindinger G (2010) Effects of age and executive functions on the resolution of the contingent negative variation: A reexamination of the frontal aging theory. Age 32(3): 323-335.
Dirnberger G, Novak J, Nasel C, Zehnter M (2010) Separation of motor-coordinative and motor-executive dysfunction in cerebellar disease. Neuropsychologia 48(5): 1200-1208.
Dirnberger G, Jahanshahi M (2010) Response selection in dual task paradigms: observations from random generation tasks. Experimental Brain Research 201(3): 535-548.
Dirnberger G, Lang W, Lindinger G (2008) A new method to determine temporal variability in the period of pre-movement electroencephalographic activity. International Journal of Psychophysiology 70(3): 165-170.
Dirnberger G (2008) Hypochondriasis and the self-perception of handedness: a critique of the use of hand preference scales. Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology 21(2): 77-82.
Jahanshahi M, Saleem T, Ho A, Fuller R, Dirnberger G (2008) A preliminary investigation of the running digit span as a test of working memory. Behavioral Neurology 20(1-2): 17-25.
Jones CR, Malone TJ, Dirnberger G, Edwards M, Jahanshahi M (2008) Basal ganglia, dopamine and temporal processing: performance on three timing tasks on and off medication in Parkinson's disease. Brain and Cognition 68(1): 30-41.
Duregger C, Bauer H, Cunnington R, Lindinger G, Deecke L, Lang W, Dirnberger G, Walla P (2007) EEG evidence of gender differences in a motor related CNV study. Journal of Neural Transmission 114(3): 359-366.
Jahanshahi M, Jones CRG, Dirnberger G, Frith C (2006) The substantia nigra pars compacta and temporal processing. Journal of Neuroscience 26(47): 12266-12273.
Jahanshahi M, Saleem T, Ho A, Dirnberger G, Fuller R (2006) Random number generation as an index of controlled processing. Neuropsychology 20(4): 391-399.
Dirnberger G, Frith C, Jahanshahi M (2005) Executive dysfunction in Parkinson's disease is associated with altered pallidal-frontal processing. A Positron Emission Tomography (PET) study. Neuroimage 25(2): 588-599.
Dirnberger G, Duregger C, Trettler E, Lindinger G, Lang W (2004) Fatigue in a repetitive simple motor task: a combined electrophysiological and neuropsychological study. Brain Research 1028(1): 26-30.
Dirnberger G, Duregger C, Lindinger G, Lang W (2004) Habituation in a simple repetitive motor task: a study with movement-related cortical potentials. Clinical Neurophysiology 115(2): 378-384.
Kelly S, Jahanshahi M, Dirnberger G (2004) Learning of ambiguous versus hybrid sequences by patients with Parkinson's disease. Neuropsychologia 42(10): 1350-1357.
Dirnberger G, Greiner K, Duregger C, Endl W, Lindinger G, Lang W (2003) The effects of alteration of effector and side of movement on the contingent negative variation. Clinical Neurophysiology 114(11): 2018-2028.
Holler I, Dirnberger G, Pirker W, Auff E, Gerschlager W (2003) Camptocormia in idiopathic Parkinson's disease: [123I]Beta-CIT SPECT and clinical characteristics. European Neurology 50(2): 118-120.
Dirnberger G, Kunaver C, Scholze T, Lindinger G, Lang W (2002) The effects of alteration of the effector and the side of movement on movement-related cortical potentials. Clinical Neurophysiology 113(2): 254-264.
Jahanshahi M, Dirnberger G, Liasis A, Towell A, Boyd S (2001) Does the pre-frontal cortex contribute to movement-related potentials? Recordings from subdural electrodes. Neurocase 7(6): 495-501.
Dressler D, Dirnberger G (2001) Botulinum toxin antibody testing: comparison between the immunoprecipitation assay and the mouse diaphragma assay. European Neurology 45(4): 257-260.
Cunnington R, Lalouschek W, Dirnberger G, Walla P, Asenbaum S, Bruecke T, Lang W (2001) A medial to lateral shift in premovement cortical activity in hemi-Parkinson's disease. Clinical Neurophysiology 112(4): 608-618.
Dirnberger G, Reumann M, Endl W, Lindinger G, Lang W, Rothwell JC (2000) Dissociation of memory/attentional and preparatory activity using movement-related cortical potentials. Experimental Brain Research 135(2): 231-240.
Dirnberger G, Lalouschek W, Lindinger G, Egkher A, Deecke L, Lang W (2000) Reduced activation of midline frontal areas in human elderly subjects: a contingent negative variation study. Neuroscience Letters 280(1): 61-64.
Jahanshahi M, Dirnberger G, Fuller R, Frith CD (2000) The role of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in random number generation: a study with positron emission tomography. Neuroimage 12(6): 713-725.
Dressler D, Dirnberger G, Bhatia K, Quinn NP, Bigalke H, Marsden CD (2000) Botulinum toxin antibody assessment: a comparison between mouse diaphragma (MDA) and mouse lethality (MLA) assay. Movement Disorders 15(5): 973-976.
Gerschlager W, Beisteiner R, Deecke L, Dirnberger G, Endl W, Kollegger H, Lindinger G, Vass K, Lang W (2000) Neuropsychological and neurophysiological effects of ?-interferon therapy in multiple sclerosis. European Neurology 44(4): 205-209.
Jahanshahi M, Dirnberger G (1999) The left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and random generation of responses: studies with transcranial magnetic stimulation. Neuropsychologia 37(2): 181-190.
Gerschlager W, Alesch F, Cunnington R, Deecke L, Dirnberger G, Endl W, Lindinger G, Lang W (1999) Bilateral subthalamic nucleus stimulation improves frontal cortex function in Parkinson's disease. Brain 122(12): 2365-2373.
Dirnberger G, Fickel U, Lindinger G, Lang W, Jahanshahi M (1998) The mode of movement selection: Movement-related cortical potentials prior to freely selected and repetitive movements. Experimental Brain Research 120(2): 263-272.
Jahanshahi M, Profice P, Brown RG, Ridding MC, Dirnberger G, Rothwell JC (1998) The effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation over the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex on suppression of habitual counting during random number generation. Brain 121(8): 1533-1544.
Weitere Information: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Georg_Dirnberger